You're Not a Tree, Move if You're Unhappy
My successful business and marriage weren’t just by chance, it was by choice Lately, I’ve seen so many women complaining about their...
My Top 3 New Moon Rituals
The New Moon is associated with manifesting; whereas, the full moon is associated with releasing and forgiveness. How perfect of a cycle...
What is Human Design?
HD is a system, combined with astrology, the I Ching, the chakra system, Kabbalah (the Tree of Life) and quantum physics. HD relies on...
3 Things I Overcame To Love Myself
*Feeling Guilty About Being Unhappy: I would feel guilty for complaining, for not feeling content, for not being happy with my life. I...
Overwhelmed After your HD Reading? Here's How to Fix That!
So you had your Human Design Chart read recently? Well, first thing first, remember, I record these for you, so you can review them time...
You Took a Reiki Class. Now What?
The beauty of Reiki is that the more we use it, the more it comes to us naturally and effortlessly. Time and time again, I see people...

The Sleeping Phoenix Rises From the Ashes
So Wednesday, I shared my life theme in Human Design, "The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix". Thursday, I shared my authority...

The Magic of Reiki Symbols
Symbols are not unique to Reiki, in fact they've been used for centuries for many different reasons. In the case of Reiki, symbols are...

STOP Assigning Conditions To Your Self-love
Stop Assigning Conditions To Your Self-Love Ever heard yourself say, “When I lose the weight I will love myself” “When I find a man, I...
STOP Pesky, Negative Thoughts
Put shit in, get shit out. Put Love in, get Love out.