Tasty Tuesday: Coconut Oil Mouthwash
SO, not "meal" oriented today, but oral health care related! Yes, I promise the toothpaste recipe will come soon too. We are almost out...
Reframe Negative Thoughts
Good morning loves! Yesterday I walked through my fear of public speaking. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to discuss...
Quick Meditation Ideas You Can Do On Your Own!
You can find today's post in the form of a VLOG on my You Tube Channel HERE Thanks for watching! Nichole Causey Holistic Wellness Coach

Fear: What Is Fear Trying To Show You?
First thing first, what is fear? Lets start with a definition. Merriam-Webster defines fear as, " to be afraid of something". I believe...

How Do I Raise My Vibes & Why Do I Want To?
Each of us vibrate on a certain level, with specific energy frequencies. Do you ever find yourself feeling down? This can literally be...

Mission, Life Purpose & Values
Having a written mission, life purpose and values can help you achieve lasting self-love & success

Causey Coaching: REBRAND & NEW WEBSITE
YAY! THE TIME IS FINALLY HERE…IT IS TIME TO REVEAL MY REBRANDING AND NEW WEBSITE. I am a little excited. Can you tell? Ha! So the last...

{Vegan} Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Ask my mom and my husband…8 years ago, I could barely scramble eggs. Really all I could make was oodles of noodles and spaghetti with...
{Vegan} Creamy Tomato Soup
My husband brought some creamy tomato soup home from Costco a few weeks ago without thinking about the word, creamy. I pointed out that...

An Attitude Of Gratitude Is THE Foundation For Happiness
You’ve heard me say it before; gratitude is everything. You may know it, but do you understand it? Do you practice it? I think gratitude...