JOY Boost
One of the many questions I receive as a happiness coach is how can I boost my joy in any given moment?
This question is so popular among my clients because I tell them my definition of success is how much joy I've experienced at any given time.
A few things I enjoy when I am feeling down are:
Eating fruit (especially citrus or berries)
Listening to upbeat music, like Pharrells Happy Song
Become completely present and engaging
Go outside
If you're in public, a simple smile or holding the door open for someone can boost YOUR joy and their joy! Acknowledging another human beings existence is a great joy boost!
Listen to an inspiring podcast from my list here
Ask yourself if this moment will truly matter in a few months, a few years, or on your death bed (chances are, it won't and you can see you have the choice to feel differently)
Calling or texting THAT friend who always boosts your mood!
Hug a close friend or family member
Diffuse orange essential oil
Make a cup of tea or coffee
Go to the park and take a walk or people watch
What do you do to find your joy for the day?
Hoping this helps you,
Nichole Causey
Your Holistic Wellness Coach