STOP Assigning Conditions To Your Self-love
Stop Assigning Conditions To Your Self-Love Ever heard yourself say, “When I lose the weight I will love myself” “When I find a man, I...
STOP Pesky, Negative Thoughts
Put shit in, get shit out. Put Love in, get Love out.
5 Unforgettable Lessons To FLY Through Fear & Into LOVE
Focus on these lessons each time fear creeps in and it will be gone before you know it!
What Becoming A Reiki Master Really Taught Me
For as long as I can remember; energy healing has always been incredibly fascinating to me. Especially lately with all of the research...
Self-esteem Saturday
#selfesteemsaturday Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud. -Unknown Mic. Drop. Right? You can learn to feel confident once you...
How I Stop Anxiety & Panic Attacks Before They START!
Learn how one simple technique, that takes less than 10 minutes can help you feel less anxious, immediately!
6 powerful self-care ideas to leave you feeling revitalized
You can only GIVE from a cup that is FULL. You cannot give from an empty cup. Click the post to read about how these 6 unique self-care idea
Why Affirmations Do Not Work For You and What To Do Instead
VLOG time! Hope you enjoy this one! Love, Nichole Causey Your Happiness Coach
Write A Letter To Your Future Self
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb I enjoy journaling, a lot. So naturally one day I...
Lead From Your HEART, NOT Your HEAD
One question, when you are on your death bed, what will your regrets be? I used to let fear run my life. Fear controlled everything. Fear...