{Vegan} Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Ask my mom and my husband…8 years ago, I could barely scramble eggs. Really all I could make was oodles of noodles and spaghetti with canned sauce. I’ve come a LONG WAY since then. Growing up my grandma always told me she moved in with my grandpa and didn’t know how to scramble eggs. She taught herself everything! I remember admiring her for that but never once did I want to sit in the kitchen with her and watch her or help her cook, instead I enjoyed doing my own thing and eating her delicious foods. I’d love to have some of her cooking and instruction right now! My mom also tried getting me into the kitchen, but I always had other pressing matters, boys or dancing! Ahh the teenage years.
Fast forward and I realize I need to learn to cook something if I am going to survive in adulthood My husband & other family members have been so helpful in showing me a thing or two over the years! Lately I’ve been tackling more plant based recipes and Monday it was Stuffed Sweet Potatoes! They are so good. Do I say that about every recipe I post?? Yeah. It’s true though. It’s always sooooo good!! This recipe serves 4 as a main entree, but you’ll want to include a side or two.
Ingredients: (use organic when possible) 4 small sweet potatoes
2 cups Kale
1 15 oz can black beans 1 avocado
Juice of 1 lime
Lime zest of 1 lime
1 bunch of cilantro
Sea Salt & pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Poke sweet potatoes with a fork a few times at the top & place on a cookie sheet with parchment or aluminum foil. Bake for 45-60 minutes.
While that is cooking, put an avocado, cilantro, lime juice, lime zest, salt & pepper into a blender or food processor. This is your yummy sauce! Heat up the blacks beans on your stove and sauté the kale after removing the stems. I chose to sauté the kale in a small amount of water and forgo the oil because I already had enough oil in my diet that day but feel free to use it. Once the sweet potatoes are soft, cut the top and layer with black beans, kale & avocado sauce. If you have left over avocado sauce it is quite delicious on many other things, chips, sandwiches, wraps!! Mmm! Can you tell our cilantro is growing like crazy?? That’s why I keep making these avocado lime cilantro sauces! Plus I love the combo.
Our 3 year old enjoyed these too!